How to Find Keywords for Your WordPress Website

WordPress offers websites that are very search engine friendly, that’s why I use them for my valued clients. The official term is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I always add a special “plugin” to the websites and blogs I create to take the SEO one step further. We want to use the words that your clients and customers are typing into Google so that when they do, you come up on the first page of the search results.

How long will it take? I’ve seen it work within an hour! It all depends on how close the keywords or keyword phrases you put on your site match the keywords or keyword phrases that your clients or customers are typing on Google or other search engines.

How do you pick the right words? You start with Google’s Keyword Tool.

Go to the link, then type in your first set of keywords.

Scroll down the results. You are looking for keywords or keyword phrases that have low competition (look at the bar graph) but a decent amount if searches. Use the “local” search number, that represents the United States. The other is global searches.

Write down the best keyword phrases on a piece of paper. Then type in a related keyword phrase and see what those results look like.

When it comes time to make a new blog post or edit/add a page to your website, be sure to do a quick search on your topic to come up with the best keywords so you can more easily draw your ideal client to your website or blog.

As always, call or email me with any questions!

Michelle Aspelin
Mindshare Marketing & Implementation Services
Email Michelle